Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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Assembly Source File
171 lines
; GRAFTEXT - Fast text in graphics mode
; Gtran - transparent text procedure
; by Tim Godfrey 72617,2125
; version 2.0 - 2/19/93 updated for support of protected mode in BP7
data segment word public
assume DS:data
extrn pitch:WORD ; number of bytes per scan line
extrn Seg0040:word ; Pmode selector for bios data area
extrn SegA000:word ; Pmode selector for ega/vga graphics page
lpage dw ? ; local Dseg storage for Page offset
data ends
code segment byte public
assume cs:code,ds:data
public gtran
page 60,132
; val val val val VAR VAR
; procedure gtran(gdx,gdy,color,fontlines,fontbase,instring);
; transparent text writing
; These equates define the BP relative passed parameters
gdx equ [BP+18]
gdy equ [BP+16]
color equ [BP+14]
fontlines equ [BP+12]
fontbase equ [BP+8]
instring equ [BP+4]
pitchBP equ [BP-4]
gtran proc NEAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,pitch
push ax ; save pitch on stack frame (at bp-4)
; Note! Do not add anything that would change
; the stack pointer between this push AX and
; the push BP above without making a
; corresponding change to the pitchBP EQU
; Calculate byte address (segment & offset) and bit mask
push ds
mov dx,Seg0040 ; bios data segment
mov ds,dx
mov si,062h
mov al,[si] ; get active display page from BIOS
or al,al ; set flags - only 2 pages possible, 0 and 1
jz page0 ; if zero, skip ofset add
mov ax,8000h ; set ax to 8000h for page 1
jmp setpage
xor ax,ax ; clear page offset
mov lpage,ax ; page offset value
pop ds
mov dx,3CEh ; Graphics Controller port address
mov ax,0205h ; WriteMode 2, Readmode 0 at index 5
out dx,ax ; select register 5 (mode)
mov dx,3C4h ; Sequencer/Map Mode port address
mov ax,0F02h
out dx,ax ; Select "Map Mask" register 2, enable all planes
mov bx,gdx ; get X address from stack frame
shr bx,1
shr bx,1
shr bx,1 ; compute memory address ofset BX := x/8
les SI,instring ; get doulbleword base address of string
xor ch,ch ; clear ch
mov cl,byte ptr ES:[si] ; points to length of string
or cl,cl ; set flags
jz nullstring ; if length is zero, skip everything
mov ax,gdy ; get Y address (a pixel row)
add ax,fontlines ; add in lines in font as ofset to Y value
dec ax ; subtract 1 because cx is 1 based inst. of 0
mov dx,pitch
mul dx ; AX := (y * 80) (80 bytes per row)
add dx,lpage ; add in page offset (1/2 of buffer);
add ax,bx ; AX := (y * 80) + x/8 (offset)
mov di,ax ; save EGA/VGA memory ofset in DI
mov dx,SegA000 ; selector to base page of EGA/VGA memory
; note: this variable is in main DS
mov ds,dx ; DS := EGA/VGA buffer segment address
; Get the Graphics Controller address
mov dx,3CEh ; base register (offset has to be 8 for bitmask)
strloop: ; loop for number of characters in string
push CX ; save string count for outer loop
inc SI ; make si point to nextchar
mov bl,byte ptr ES:[SI] ; SI points to next char - read into bx
inc bl ; increment char code : draw char from bot to top
mov ax,fontlines ; get number of lines/char in font
mov cx,ax ; keep for use as char-loop counter
mul bl ; ax := bl (character) * al (bytes/char)
mov bx,ax ; leave font character ofset in BX
push ES ; save char string seg.
push SI ; save char string pointer
push DI ; save EGA/VGA destination
; loop for the number of lines
les SI,fontbase ; get dblword base address of font
mov al,8 ; bit mask index
charloop: ; loop through the font's scanlines bottom to top
dec bx ; move UP to next scanline in font
mov ah,ES:[BX][SI] ; get bit mask byte from font: bx=font char ofs
out dx,ax ; load the bit mask into reg 8
; Set bits in the appropriate bit planes by writing color value to EGA/VGA memory
mov ah,[di] ; Latch the bit plane data with dummy read
mov ah,byte ptr color ; get the color value
mov [di],ah ; Set bits to '1' in appropriate planes.
; ; read pitch from BP stack frame
sub di,pitchBP ; move up one line in EGA/VGA memory
loop charloop ; decrement cx and do next scanline
pop DI ; get back EGA/VGA destination
inc DI ; move screen position to next char over
pop SI ; pop character pointer
pop ES ; " " segement
pop CX ; get outer loop - counting chars in string
loop strloop
; Restore default EGA/VGA graphics status
; dx still points to Graphics Controller port address
mov ax,0005h ; write mode=0: read mode=0: index=5
out dx,ax ; select register 5 (mode)
mov ax,0FF08h ; reset bitmask register to all on
out dx,ax ; ... Graphics Controller register 8
pop ax ; discard pitch value from stack frame
pop ds
pop bp
ret 14d
gtran endp
code ends